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Doggie sweethearts

It’s Valentine’s Day once again at WOOF.

A day of fun! A day of love! A day of excitement!


Really, it’s nothing we’re not used to.  😎

But this particular day is really special – and worth celebrating. For one, the WOOF blog turns one year old today.

lizzy birthday

Exactly one year ago, I had my very first day at work here as the manager/social media and blogger lady –  and I didn’t waste any time in writing my first post.

And really, how could I resist? It was Valentine’s Day! (Plus, sometimes I do like to push limits…)

vickie and desi

So we had to top ourselves in celebrating one of the greatest days of love – and one of the greatest loves of all…

Dog love!

dog love

Dog handler Nicky – one of our resident artists – had pictures, red construction paper and an idea.



sweet hearts at woof

Doggie sweethearts at WOOF!

They do exist, you know.

sweet hearts

Real-life, inseparable, dog couples in our playgroups.

kona travis

Take Kona and Travis, for example. They’re an obvious match because they’re what we like to refer to as “breed buddies.” (Which I’ve also blogged about before.)

Let me just describe what this kind of doggie sweetheart-dom looks like from an insider’s perspective. It’s morning at the WOOF daycare and dogs are trickling in. As each dog comes in the chute, everyone gathers around, excited to sniff the new kid of the day.

The dog enters group, sniffing ensues, everyone runs around and the next dog arrives.

Rinse and repeat.

BUT for our doggie sweethearts, the excitement (or shall I say attachment?) continues throughout the entire day. They are usually found, side by side – running in a pair. Or snoozing in the sun, curled up next to each other.

And can I say there is a little bit of an extra sense of excitement when their sweetheart arrives?

betty bueller

And a little sad sense of melancholy when their sweetheart leaves?

bitsy charlie

It’s a real thing, people.

charlie close

Charlie totally knows what I’m talking about.

I mean, I’m even tempted to give these couples a portmanteau – a fancy term for when you combine two words into one.

You know like Brad Pitt + Angelina Jolie = Brangelina.

Let’s see if we can make this work.

coco fred


gemma apollo


jake licorice

 How about Lake? No, that’s no good.

In any case, we thought we’d share some of our most obvious doggie sweethearts with you on our wall for this very special day.

lucy murphy

maverick fiona

rex dixie

We found that most owners already knew about their dog’s love lives at WOOF. And some were surprised!

shadow denali

Oh, Shadow and Denali. You can’t hide a love like your’s forever.

denali close

Just look at her. Love struck.

So, may we officially wish a Happy, Happy, Happy Valentine’s Day to you and yours! We do love taking care of your little lovebirds every day.

And finger’s crossed nobody breaks up. I’d like to reuse these for next year.


Vickie Jean @ WOOF