The busy holiday season is ALMOST over at WOOF and we are happy to say we have enjoyed every minute caring for your babies!
There was ball time with festive winter coats.
(Lookin’ good, Apollo!)
There was kissing and cuddling by the fireplace.
And sometimes there was a combination of both!
But even though we were quite busy caring for all these little holiday angels, we had tome for some good, old-fashioned tom foolery.
Of course, in the form of hats.
One Walgreens silver-sequined Santa Hat later, and the rest was WOOF Christmas history.
Enjoy our greatest hits:
Oh, Denali.
Ellie Mae and Fletcher!
Sweet ol’ Ginger!
Ah, the Princess
So until next year, we promise to restrain ourselves from accessorizing your dogs while they are in our care.
Or will we?
Vickie Jean @ WOOF