Hey WOOFers!
We love to entertain, educate and illuminate with this blog. We have big plans to cover all sorts of topics – from crate training to kennel cough to all things dog-loving people want to know.
But sometimes we just want to look at some super cute dog photos.
So, may we present the first in a series we’d like to call of DAYCARE PHOTO BOMB! (Even though we know the strict definition of “photo bomb” is when some goofball sneaks in the back of a posed photo…)
We’re sticking with the name anyway. 😎
So here goes – here are all the dogs Nicole could catch mid-day in daycare at WOOF’S San Ramon facility, dated June 6. (very official, you know).
And last, but not least, the amazing Stella…
What is that – 22 dogs? Not bad for a –
Now, if your dog was here today and did not get PHOTO BOMBED, never fear.
They may be next!
Vickie Jean