May is mental health month. Here is a fun fact: Talking to your pet can help you and your health by combating loneliness.
TIPS FOR NEW PET PARENTS- This will be an ongoing series I will be writing over the next few weeks- Introducing a new dog to…
Check out this story from USA TODAY: Dogs may sniff out lung cancer, research says Here’s another reason to love dogs. Using their super-sensitive noses,…
A feel good story! Maintaining a K-9 program is expensive and very time consuming and that is why many agencies the size of the Powhatan…
I found this article last night and felt compelled to share with our readers. This is the second article in the past 2 weeks I… Hi, I was reading last night and was compelled to share this article, I hope it is not applicable to any of your loved…
SourceURL: Posts Dog bloat is a common condition that can be dangerous, even deadly for our best friends. What is dog bloat? Bloat happens when…
Version:1.0 StartHTML:000000196 EndHTML:001427184 StartFragment:001425295 EndFragment:001426918 StartSelection:001425295 EndSelection:001426906 SourceURL: please post to facebook – – Gmail This is Rustie and Harry playing at Woof in…